Our Story

We Believe

As Jains, we believe ahimsā paramo dharmaḥ (nonviolence is the ultimate religion.) Our commitment to compassion is the bedrock of our faith. It is instilled in each generation from birth and nurtured as a core guiding belief. At JVI, we believe that adopting a vegan lifestyle is a profound expression of the principle of Ahimsa, allowing us to honor our commitment to nonviolence by protecting all living beings and safeguarding the environment.

Who We Are

The Jain Vegan Initiative (JVI) was founded on September 1, 2021, with a mission deeply rooted in the Jain principles of Ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion for all living beings. As an independent global activist group, JVI is dedicated to promoting the adoption of veganism within the Jain community and beyond, advocating for total animal liberation in alignment with the core values of Jainism.

Our Mission & Vision

1. To promote Ahimsa through the adoption of ethical veganism within the Jain community.

2. To educate our community on veganism’s ethical, environmental, and health benefits.

3. To inspire change that benefits individual well-being, the Jain community, and the world.

4. To collaborate and foster a positive dialogue that promotes compassionate lifestyle choices.

Our Vision

JVI is focused on shifting the needle towards veganism in the Jain community. We do so by:

1. Raising awareness about the ethical, environmental, and health benefits of veganism

2. Providing resources and support for individuals and communities

3. Educating through programs, seminars, and workshops

4. Developing up-to-date and scientific educational materials.

5. Engaging with community leaders and policymakers.

Our Principles

JVI is guided by the following:

1. Ahimsa (Nonviolence):

JVI embraces the Jain principle of Ahimsa, promoting non-violence toward all living beings and emphasizing the rights and welfare of animals. We advocate for veganism to protect sentient beings and recognize the interconnected environmental impacts that affect all life.

2. Non-Human Animals as Persons:

JVI recognizes the personhood of animals across all species, advocating for their social and legal rights and opposing their commodification.

3. Abolitionist Approach:

JVI supports an abolitionist approach to veganism, aiming to end all forms of animal exploitation, cruelty, and commodification. We are committed to educating and advocating for a world free of animal exploitation.

4. Supportive of All Transitions:

While advocating for an end to animal exploitation, JVI supports individuals and communities in transitioning to veganism, acknowledging that every effort to reduce harm is a step forward.

5. Solidarity with Social Justice Movements:

JVI supports social justice movements addressing systemic oppression and inequalities. We extend compassion and justice to all, regardless of species, race, gender, or economic status, and advocate for systemic change and equitable access to resources.

6. Cultural Sensitivity and Leadership:

JVI commits to cultural sensitivity and authentic representation of Jain values, avoiding cultural appropriation. Leadership roles within JVI are reserved for practicing vegans who deeply understand Jain culture (either through family roots or personal history.)

7. Endorsement of Health Measures:

JVI supports health measures recommended by experts, including, but not limited to, vaccinations and face coverings, recognizing their alignment with our principles of compassion for community well-being.

8. Scientific Temperament:

JVI values a scientific approach, relying on evidence-based decision-making and rational inquiry to guide our advocacy and education on the impact of our actions on animals, the environment, and human health.

Join Us

Whether you’re already vegan or just starting your journey, JVI welcomes you to join our movement. Together, we can make a difference — one compassionate choice at a time.