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Paryushan 2024 - Give up Dairy

As Paryushan approaches, many Jains reflect on how they can deepen their commitment to ahimsa. This sacred period of introspection and spiritual growth is a time to consider the impact of our daily choices. One small yet significant way to honor the spirit of Paryushan is by giving up dairy products.

It’s a simple ask—just for a few days, replace milk, ghee, butter, and other dairy products, which the Jain philosophy terms vigai (substances recommended to be avoided), with plant-based alternatives. This aligns perfectly with the principle of ahimsa. Dairy production often involves harm to cows and calves, from the separation of newborns from their mothers to the harsh conditions many dairy animals endure. By opting out of dairy, you are taking a meaningful step toward reducing suffering and moving further away from violence.

Here's the exciting part—many Jains are already finding that they naturally avoid not just one, not two, but three vigais—milk, curd, and ghee—along with a mahavigai, butter, all by just switching to their compassionate plant-based alternatives. Dairy is an avoidable indulgence that doesn’t align with the spirit of the festival. With a growing awareness of the ethical implications, people are discovering that giving up dairy is not as difficult as it may seem. Plant-based milks, butters, and yogurts are now widely available and can easily replace traditional dairy products in our diets. Our community curated Ahimsa Paryushan Cookbook can be a super handy free resource.

This Paryushan, let your commitment to ahimsa shine through in your food choices. By giving up dairy, even for a short time, you are making a powerful statement of compassion. It’s a small sacrifice that contributes to a larger, more compassionate world. Your action, though simple, honors the essence of Paryushan and brings you closer to living a life of true non-violence.

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Paryushan Nirdosh Aahar Challenge - Day 1

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